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One dApp,
all things Bitcoin

Swap, lend, borrow against your BTC or multiply your exposure


DeFi Volume


Supported Networks

Your one-stop-shop for Bitcoin DeFi

Lending, borrowing, creating leveraged positions, swapping

Stake Bitcoin.
Boost your crypto

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Use BTC to Borrow and Lend

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Swap BTC securely, anytime.

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Use your BTC everywhere

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Bitcoin Finance, Unbanked

Interlay is a decentralized layer-1 network, powered by and optimized for Bitcoin. As a Polkadot parachain, Interlay achieves best-in-class Proof-of-Stake security and interoperability with Ethereum, Cosmos, and many more
Your Keys Your Coins

Your keys, your coins

Earn on your BItcoin but keep control of your private keys


Operated by a globaly distributed, permissionless network

Secured by collateral

Best in class economic security through collateral insurance

Scientifically proven security

Interlay is built on cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research

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iBTC: The trustless way to earn with Bitcoin

Put your BTC to work in DeFi - secured by a 100% transparent & decentralized network, fully covered by insurance.
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How it works

From Bitcoin to DeFi in just a few clicks.


Lock your BTC with a Vault, or run your own. Your BTC is always safe and insured by Vault collateral (USDT, DOT...)


Get iBTC at a 1:1 ratio to your locked BTC


Earn on your Bitcoin. Use iBTC as collateral, trade it, get passive income - on any blockchain


Redeem iBTC for native BTC on Bitcoin - trustless and anytime you want

Audited by the best

Interlay has been audited by the industry-leaders in blockchain security.

Use Your BTC.

Use BTC it as collateral to borrow assets or create leveraged positions.

Trade your BTC.

Use your BTC to trade against other assets.

Move your Bitcoin to your favourite Dapp.

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Protected by insurance.

Anyone can operate a Vault and earn fees on BTC volume.

Explore all audits

Interlay DAO

Interlay is governed by the community through voting power of governance (INTR) tokens.
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A growing ecosystem

Interlay empowers Bitcoin holders to put their BTC to use. Explore apps and services integrated with Interlay.

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Join our community

Learn more about Interlay, chat with us and have your say in the future of the Interlay ecosystem

Supported by

Supported by the best-in-class VCs and ecosystem programs

Truly Decentralized and Trustless
DeFi for Bitcoin.


Operated by a fully decentralized network of vaults.


Operated by a fully decentralized network of vaults.


Your assets are protected by collateral insurance.

Audited by the best.

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